Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 16:07:09 GMT -6
She caught the smile, but she still had to finish what she wanted to say before she fall silent, allowing him to speak and her teeth nibbling nervously upon her lower lip. When he told her what he had always thought of as being "home" she gave a slight nod. She had guessed as much, and that was why she had gone into detail of telling him what it meant for her. She wanted him to understand that it was more for her than just a place to go to sleep, more than just a house that they would be sharing.
Then, when he said her name, she would turn her head to look at him, those eyes moving to meet his own as he looked at her. For a brief second, she felt her heart quicken and her breath catch in her throat. She was worried about what he was going to say, worried that he was going to tell her no.....but instead he would tell her how much he would like being able to hold her every night as she went to sleep.
Instantly those eyes lit up, heck, her whole face lit up....a bright smile spreading across her lips. There was no real way for her to describe how happy she was with that answer. Yes, she knew that perhaps they were moving fast, but then, with Kazumi, emotions were not something she was particularly skilled at reigning in or holding back. No, she felt them far too strongly to ever even attempt such a feat.
Her feet coming to a stop, she would move to stand in front of him, her hands coming to rest upon his chest as she rose up and softly pressed her lips against his, allowing the kiss to linger for a long moment before she would pull back, those eyes looking up into his as she spoke up rather softly..."I love you baby..." One hand raising and thumb slowly trailing along his cheek.
Eventually, she would step away from him, allowing her hand to travel along his arm until her fingers were again able to curl within his. She was more than ready to go home, to just crawl in bed and lay beside him. She knew that sleep wasn't going to be easy for her tonight, not with so much on her mind, but at least she would be with him....That was all that mattered.
Turning the corner, she would keep silent, her mind, despite her best efforts, starting to wander as she began to think about more serious matters that had been plaguing her lately. A part of her wanted to tell him, to discuss it with him....But she knew, deep down that she shouldn't. Still, it didn't mean that she wasn't constantly finding herself lost in thought over the matter, eyes fixated upon the ground as she moved, clearly becoming a bit more distracted as time went by....Yet she managed somehow to stay focused on where they were headed and what direction she was going.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 9, 2012 17:17:01 GMT -6
Patrick watched as that bright, beautiful smile crossed her lips. It made him smile, watching her smile. He loved when he was able to make her smile, loved when he was able to make her happy. Yeah, they were moving very fast, very, very, fast. But Patrick was strangely okay with that, it didn't bother him in the least. Maybe it had something to do with the lives they'd lived, maybe not so much in Kazumi's case intentionally but all the same. Maybe with everything that had happened in their lives they each felt like they had to live fast, because in the craziness of this world. In the craziness, it could all come crashing to an end. Better to live fast if you weren't sure you were going to be alive tomorrow, right?
When she came to a stop it would only be her grip on his hand that kept him from moving forward. It really was a good thing she was fairly strong because Patrick's time was a lot slower then it usually was. But she didn't seem to have a problem with that, stepping around in front of him, her hands on his chest. As much as he loved the contact he had to admit he was confused, as a look that reflected that crossed his face. Did he do something wrong? But everything was made clear as she rose up, her kiss muffling an "Oh."
As she kissed him Patrick returned the kiss, softly putting his hand on her waist, holding her close to him. As she pulled away Patrick's eyes gave almost a longing look to her, warming instantly once she spoke those words to him, her hand coming up to his cheek as he felt her thumb on his cheek, tracing it. As she did that Patrick would speak softly, "I love ye too Kazumi. And I'm so glad ye asked me to live with ye, at home. I'd really like to have a home with ye."
As her hand slipped back into his and she dragged him along Patrick was happy to follow. He wasn't exactly sure where they were, at least not in reference to the house, but he didn't mind following her lead on this one. Looking very much forward to going, home. Though he had no idea what thoughts were racing through his mind, ones that would eventually change everything, for the both of them...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 19:42:47 GMT -6
His words made her smile softly. It was nice to know that he felt that way, it was nice to know that he wanted a home.....with her. Nodding softly, she would continue to lead the way, her little fingers curled about his, her mind lost thought within a few minutes of turning the next corner....and it was this that would cause her to stay silent for the remainder of the walk toward their house. Unless of course he would say something.
No, the only thing that he would get from her, was a slight shifting of her body, her hand releasing his so that her arm could loop about his own, her head coming to rest against his aram....Just a casual yet affectionate manner of walking with him and allowing her mind to venture where it would.
Only once they had reached the house would she pull away, drawing herself back from wherever she had been and drawing another smile upon her lips as she looked at him. "I saw we get inside and just crawl into bed and stay there for awhile...Unless you have any better ideas?" Her hand moving to push open the control panel so that she could enter her code along with her prints...Letting it scan and do its thing before the door would unlock and slowly crack open.
Once inside, she would wait for him and then go about the usual routine of locking up, finding it to be rather routine at this point. When she was done, well she would wait for him...if he had no objections to her idea she would just turn and head to the bedroom. "I am just going to change and then I will be right there." Offering a little smile as she moved to the dresser, pulling open the drawer so that she could fish around for a pair of her pajamas that she had brought over here for those nights that they did stay here.
Setting them atop the dresser, she would step back, to sit upon the edge of the bed so that she could unlace those boots that she had strapped to her feet. She wasn't entirely used to wearing these things, much more a sneaker or sandal type girl...and needless to say, they made her feet hurt. A little groan as she pulled one free, tossing it aside, followed by the other not long after.
It was then that she would rise to stand, fingers undoing the button of her jeans and sliding them down and kicking them aside, her shirt and bra following and then moving to pull her pajama shirt over her head. Granted it was pretty much just a giant t-shirt that hung down to her thighs and slid off of one shoulder....but in her mind, it was pajamas.
That done, she would turn to see what he was up to and then crawl into bed. If he was laying down by then, well she would quite literally crawl toward him and lean over him, her hair spilling around them both now as she smiled and leaned down, pressing her lips against his for a moment. "Hi..." A little giggle given before she would lower her head and softly nip at the side of his neck, affectionate of course but also a bit playful in nature.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 9, 2012 20:12:03 GMT -6
When she let go of his hand Patrick almost stopped, but he did turn his head to look at her, with a curious look, but by the time he looked anyway she was already wrapping her arm around his, leaning into his arm with her head. Patrick would smile at her before continuing on with his shamble. With her at his side he was more then content to walk in silence, happy just to have her at his side. With her there, it was enough, unless she wanted to talk, which was fine to. But as the case were he just walked to her, no, their house in silence.
Eventually they would reach the house and she'd pull away. At first Patrick figured it was just for the security measures, because he sure as hell wasn't going to be able to get them in the house cause well, yeah, he didn't have fingerprints let alone the right ones. But no, first she had something to say to him. Asking him to lay around in bed, unless he had something he wanted them to do. Answer, simply put, was no. He wanted to do whatever she wanted to do, or at least her idea in this instance was fine. So with a smile he'd reply, "Sounds good to me."
He waited for her as she locked the place up again following her with a smile and a nod as she said she needed to change. Following her to the bedroom, his "changing" was a rather quick process really. Kick of shoes, pull of pants, sit on bed. His back leaned up against the bed rest he turned his head to watch Kazumi change, a smile gracing his lips as he asked curiously, "Boots? Wouldn't have pegged ye as the type."
Idle conversation really, but that was because he wasn't putting two and two together. Patrick probably would have some protest if he realized that they were the Varsity captain boots, but he didn't know. That and he couldn't help but grin as he watched Kazumi change, not feeling like a creeper because, well, they had seem a little more of each other then that, on a few occasions. Yeah, only a few.
As he saw her in that t shirt he would grin, sliding to lay down as she crawled into bed. As she crawled over him, putting her head over his, creating somewhat of a veil with her hair Patrick would smile as she pressed her lips to his, stealing a small kiss. As she giggled her greeting Patrick would chuckle, perhaps louder and longer then he should have but hey, he was drunk. As she leaned forward to nip at his neck Patrick would wrap his arm around her pulling her closer, his hand resting on the bare shoulder that the shirt didn't cover, caressing it softly as he inhaled her scent before sighing...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 20:26:58 GMT -6
When he took note of the boots she would shrug slightly, not really saying anything just yet. No, she figured that it was better to break that news to him in a more...affectionate....manner. Or yeah, something like that. So for now she stayed silent.
Though as she crawled over him, his arms snaking around her and pulling her down against him, she would smile and shiver lightly as she felt his hand caressing her bared shoulder. Nuzzling against the side of his neck with her nose, she would think of the right words to use to try and explain her recent actions to him. "About the boots...." Her tone was hesitant, as though she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to finish her sentence.
"They are the Varsity Captain boots..." Pulling back she would smile almost innocently as she looked back down at him. She hadn't really had a chance to talk to him about it before she had gone and done it, so yeah...now was one of those little "surprise" moments.
Nervously she would bite down on her lower lip and tilt her head, one hand coming up to lightly tuck her hair back behind one of her ears as she waited on him to say something. She wasn't sure why she had gone and done what she did. Gods knew that it was just inviting a few good ass kickings from those who wanted to prove they could....Then of course came the added pressure of having to handle all of the Varsity Captain's responsibilities....something Kaz herself wasn't entirely sure she could manage. She was always so stressed out as it was, now, well now it was going to be amplified ten fold.
Shifting to sit back on her knees, her ass pressing into the heels of her feet, she would sit there beside him, those eyes lingering upon his and her hands now resting within her lap. She knew she would likely have to explain why she had gone and put herself in that kind of position, so for now, while she waited for his reaction, she would try to think of how to go about explaining herself.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 9, 2012 21:34:13 GMT -6
When she mentioned the boots, in that hesitant tone of voice, Patrick immediately thought of the worst. Not really sure what that was, but he sure as hell thought of it, he did! When she slowly pulled back, giving him that innocent look he fought the urge to smile. He was sure that this was something he didn't really want to hear, but he was going to have to hear it anyway. Especially with her hesitance, he knew that it was something that he wouldn't be particularly happy about. And as it turned out, he was right.
He didn't want her to be a pillar. Even drunk he remembered that much. As much as he hated to use the short man's reference, the pillars were the vanguard of defense for the school. They were the ones that had to step up to defend the school when no one else would. They were the ones that were supposed to keep the riff raff in line. It wasn't exactly safe now was it? But that's why Patrick was doing it, to keep her safe. Kind of defeated the point when she jumped up and took Shane's spot. She was now in just as much danger as he was, only he was less able to protect her, at least without compromise his duties that allowed him to keep his position. He didn't like it, and that much showed.
"Oh?" He would ask, not exactly pleased, that one word asking for so much more then it would seem. He wasn't exactly saying no, she couldn't do it, at least not yet, though that would probably heavily implied. At least that he didn't want her doing it. But more over it was a question to explain herself, more so then she had at this point at least...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 21:47:47 GMT -6
Yes, she saw it the instant the words left her lips. That look of displeasure that crossed his face as he laid there looking up at her. Instantly that look of innocence fell away and was replaced by a somewhat apologetic look combined with something that sorta spoke of her knowing she was in trouble...So to speak.
When he finally did speak up, that single word was all she need to know that he didn't like this idea one damn bit and that he wanted an explanation for her actions....Now. "I...Well I don't really know why I applied for it...I mean, originally I had applied for Student Body President, but that challenge just went stupid and all I could think about was stabbing Mekiel's eyes out with a pencil, so I walked out...But when this one came up for grabs I..."
She sighed, looking away from him and down at her hands as her fingers softly twisted about each other. It was clear she was nervous, and not just because she was being forced to explain to her boyfriend who was a little on the protective side why she had just taken up a position that put her in direct danger on a regular basis, but also because of the fact that she had taken up said position.
"I just...I feel like I am such a disappointment, like I am weak and...pathetic..." He more than anyone would know that most of those feelings stemmed from Earth's mental warfare that he had played out on her. Hell, it was pretty much him speaking anytime she said those things. "I just thought...I don't know...I thought maybe it would make my mom proud of me or that maybe it would prove I am not so.....worthless.."
She sighed, shaking her head as she reached up and pushed her fingers through her hair. She knew it was stupid, especially if what she thought was going on......was going on. She was possibly in no condition to be taking up such a chore, and yet she had just the same. "When my Mother asked me if I wanted it...I just...I said yes...without really thinking.." She bit her lower lip and would finally lift those bright blue eyes to look at him once more. Swallowing down past the lump in her throat as she stopped there and waited for him to speak. She was sure that he was going to have something more to say on the matter, seeing as how he was so displeased with her decision and seeing as how the look he gave told her that he did not want her holding the title....at all.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 9, 2012 22:37:20 GMT -6
Patrick listened on, from his lying down position as she explained her challenge with Mekiel. Although the idea behind what had gone down was amusing. Mental images of her doing just that were pretty amusing actually, though, back to the topic on hand. It would appear that when the chance for this title presented itself that she felt pressured into taking it. Probably not the best reason to take it, but then again Patrick didn't know the pressure she had been under. He noted her sigh and how she looked down and away from him, unable to look at him for the moment it would seem. Though this seemed almost like it was more then just giving Patrick an answer he didn't really want to hear.
As the words came out a frown would cross his face as he sat up, his hand grasping her cheek. A soft look coming across his face as he let her continue. He knew that that wasn't her talking. That it was her time with earth that prompted her to say those things. He looked on with caring and concern. No, he did not want her having the title, but more importantly he didn't want her feeling that way. After she was finished speaking Patrick would say softly, "I'm sure yer mother is proud of ye no matter what ye do."
He would openly admit that he was no expert on the psyche of that woman, but that was something that he got the distinct impression that that was true. At the very least he was proud of her, and though he didn't want her to have the title he didn't thing she was worthless of a disappointment, "Yer not weak or pathetic Kazumi. Ye really are a strong woman. And yer worth every thing in the world to me. Ye don't need to put a bullseye on yer back to prove it to me."
"I love ye Kazumi, just as much without the title," Patrick said with a smile. It was clear that he loved her no matter what, just as much. He'd just prefer she didn't have it...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 22:53:00 GMT -6
She felt his hand coming to rest on her cheek, urging her eyes upward so that they once more met with his when he sat up. Still that look of nervousness and a tad bit of fear lingered in her eyes. Not fear of him, but more so of what he would think, of what he would say. A little sigh escaping her as he told her that he was sure her Mother was proud of her.
She didn't know and she didn't have the nerve to ask. No, she had just assumed that this would be the best way to ensure that Kevala was proud....especially seeing as how Kaz had always made it a point to act like that kind of stuff didn't matter to her.
Staying silent, she let him finish what he had to say, those blue eyes slowly starting to turn to a deep shade of amethyst as tears welled up within them, her lower lip quivering just a tiny bit before she would capture it between her teeth to steady it so that she could try and form the right question in her mid. "You..." She paused, swallowing past the knot in her throat and struggling to find the right words here...."You don't t...think that I can do it?"
Oh she had heard him tell her she was strong, that she wasn't weak or a disappointment. She knew that he loved her. But she just wanted to know if he was afraid of her having the title because he didn't think she could handle it. Not that it would have surprised her if he felt that way to be honest. She had pretty much felt that way since she accepted it.
Once more her head lowered, though this time it was to hide the tears that escaped and rolled down her cheeks. Her hand moving to softly brush against her stomach, her flesh paling just a tiny bit. Her nervousness lately seemed to only increase those little fleeting waves of nausea. Though she did her best to hide if from him. "I...I know that I shouldn't have...I know that...that maybe I am not cut out for it...But I just...."
She sighed once more, completely ignoring the sick feeling despite the affect it was having on her body. Instead she tried to keep her mind on the topic at hand and on what she had been thinking about saying. "Do my emotions make me weak?" Her tone soft and somewhat broken, but still there was that seriousness that suggested she genuinely wanted to know.
Perhaps the fact that she felt so strongly all the time made her weak, maybe that was why Earth had been so determined to destroy her. Maybe that was what made her.....defective. The thought, or more specifically, the word, making her draw in a rather shaky, trembling breath....Once more her stomach flipped and that icky, clammy, light headed feeling washed over her, causing her hand to move from her lap to press into the bed to steady herself from wavering back or the the side anymore than she just had.
Her eyes still not looking at him, for a host of reasons now, though listening carefully for his reply to her questions....She needed to know....She needed to know what he thought about her when it came to this...She couldn't explain why, but she just did.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 9, 2012 23:30:01 GMT -6
Seeing her eyes turn to that amethyst, with tears welling up in them made him frown that much more. Patrick didn't like it when she was like this, not out of some crazy desire for her not to be sad, but because he didn't like when she hurt. He knew it was inevitable from time to time, but it didn't mean that he didn't want to be around that, didn't want to be there to comfort her. He loved her and would rather she not be in pain. When she asked that question of him his hand would caress her cheek softly as he answered, "No, it's not that I think ye can't do it. I think ye could do a great job. I just don't want ye to do it. I don't want ye to put yerself in harm's way anymore then ye have to."
Patrick smiled softly. It was the truth. He had seen her in action before, even if only briefly. He knew that she could hold her own, at least to some degree. But after everything that had happened Patrick really didn't want her to chance it. Yeah, he knew that in the wind and water incident that they had pulled people who were not pillars. He knew and accepted that risk, but as a pillar, there was just that much more risk. Any schmuck that wanted to prove that they were better then the school system would go off challenging for the title. Patrick really didn't want her risking that much, especially when he didn't even really care for the school.
She went on the try and explain to him why she did what she did, and Patrick looked on, intently but a frown still on his face. She couldn't quite form the words that she wanted to. Had he not been under the influence he might have seen it for something different from what he saw now. He thought it was her usual self defeating tendencies whenever she found her self under the grip of Earth's tortures. But as he would find out later, he couldn't be more wrong. Regardless when she asked him that question Patrick would give a weak half chuckle at the notion as his arms wrapped around her, holding her closely to him.
"No Kazumi, it doesn't make ye weak," Patrick said softly, "It only makes ye human."
Patrick couldn't help but admire her for her emotions. Really he did. It proved that she felt like a normal being. Unlike him, who had killed off his emotions at one point to continue on with life. Who routinely had killed them off to do jobs, to do what he had to do. Horrible things that would seem to require the lack of a soul to do. Patrick continued softly, "I admire ye for yer emotions. Take that from someone whose killed his to continue on. Being able to live with yer emotions makes ye strong Kazumi. Don't ever forget that."
And that's what he thought...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 9, 2012 23:51:21 GMT -6
She didn't need him to explain to her why he didn't want her to do this because she knew all too well why. He was afraid of her getting hurt, worried that she was just making herself more of a target. Which, in all actuality, she was. So no, when he spoke she just let him finish and gave a soft little nod.
Still, that did not stop her from feeling sick, did not stop her nerves from getting the better of her. If anything, she felt worse for some reason, like the realization of what she had done was finally sinking in more fully now. "I..." She cut herself short, listening as he explained about her emotions and as he pulled her into his arms.
Pressing into him softly she would close her eyes and let him tell her what he thought, a little sigh escaping her as she once more nodded, understanding fully what he meant. "I...I am sorry baby...." Her tone just above that of a whisper, sounding just a bit off as she softly nuzzled into the side of his neck, drawing in his scent and shivering lightly. "If...you want me to...I will forfeit it once my two weeks are up...I just don't want to do that right away....I mean, yeah....I can't." No, that would just be like running away, and though the length of time didn't change the action, it still felt as though it made a difference.
A soft little whimper would escape her, lips softly brushing against the side of his neck, against that scar she had created, teeth soon enough following suit and biting down rather firmly. No real reason for such other than the fact that she loved doing so and because her body was telling her that she needed the blood....However, she ignored it for now....Well, ignored it as best she could. "I love you so much Patrick..." Whispering the words against his neck before she would feel another strong way of sickness roll through her. Perhaps it was just all her nervousness over this whole thing finally catching up to her? She knew deep down it wasn't but be damned if she didn't lie to herself and say that it was.
"I need to lay down baby...I...I don't feel very good." Typically she hid this little fact from him, but with the feeling increasing, she didn't figure it would do well for her to keep trying to hide it. Besides, like she had lied to herself, it was just nerves and the stress of everything catching up to her. Nothing more. She would be fine once she laid down and just....relaxed.
Shifting out of his arms and moving to lay down upon the bed, head nuzzling into her pillow as she ran her fingers along her stomach as she tried to force the icky feeling away. Her other hand moving to her forehead, pushing her hair back as her eyes closed and sigh sighed softly, tongue slowly tracing along her lips. "I promise, I will try and stay out of trouble until I can forfeit the title....I don't want make you worry about me more than you already do...." Finally managing to open those eyes to look back at him, a soft yet reassuring smile on her lips.
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 10, 2012 14:24:59 GMT -6
Patrick heard her apologize as she nuzzled into him. As she told him that she'd give up her title in two weeks, if that was what he wanted, he felt a mix of emotions. That was surprising, even to him. He really did want her to give up the title, because he didn't want her getting hurt. But at the same time, as she spoke he was feeling hesitant to tell her too. Call it a change of opinion but he didn't want to stifle her. Well, he did and he didn't. Patrick didn't want her to get hurt, didn't want her to make herself more of a target. But at the same time he didn't want to be too controlling. He didn't want to take away what made her her. It would be like taking away what made her great. But at the same time he was terrified of losing someone else. It had happened plenty of times in school even. The defender/reformist war, the day those armed paramilitary types stormed the school, hell when people like him had shown up to wreck up the place. He wasn't sure if it was him, but trouble seemed to follow him, where ever he went in all aspects of his life. Truth be told, he was scared.
"I don't want ye to keep the title, but," Patrick sighed almost struggling to get those next words out, "Do what ye need to, for yerself and I'll do my best to support that decision."
Patrick felt her lips on his neck, particularly on that scar, her scar. The one that his shirt didn't cover, not that it mattered to him. He was rather proud to have that scar out and showing. Proud to let the world know who held a piece of him. He had pretty much been expecting it when he felt her teeth on his neck, and then feeling them sink into his neck, drawing a hiss from Patrick. However what she didn't do was lap up the blood, or bite harder to get more. Something that concerned Patrick, oddly enough at this point. Although he glowed warmly at those words replying back, "I Love ye too Kazumi."
Even as inebriated as he was Patrick was beginning to be able to tell that something was out of the ordinary, even before she told him that she didn't feel well. But when she did, a look of concern would cross his face as she pulled herself out of her arms, lying back down on the bed. Patrick watched her with concern from his seated position, thinking that she didn't look well, perhaps more so then the situation actually warranted. When she promised to give up the title in two weeks Patrick would simply reiterate his position, "Do what ye feel is right love."
After a moment he would lie down, looking her in the eyes as he did asking, "Are ye alright? Do ye need any blood?"
Still wondering why she had bite him as hard as she did had not taken anything. It just seemed, out of the ordinary...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 10, 2012 19:19:32 GMT -6
As she laid there, she would debate over what to do in her mind. Part of her didn't want to give up the title, part of her did. It was so hard, being torn....though perhaps nobody quite understood that the way she did. Though as she laid there, trying to think about what to do, his voice broke through all the thoughts and drew her attention back toward him. A slight shake of her head given as he asked her if she needed blood.
She did...but to be honest she was just far too tired and her stomach felt way too icky. "No baby...I don't want any..." A lazy, weak little smile given before she would inch her way closer to him and then shift over to her side, drawing her knees up slightly so that she could curl up, one arm wrapping about her stomach, the other curling beneath her head. "I think I just want to go to sleep..." A little sigh given before she would turn her head so that she could look back at him. "Lay with me?"
She knew she didn't really have to ask, but she did just the same. It was odd, her wanting to actually sleep, especially considering the fact that she typically fought so hard not to. But honestly, she was just exhausted, and though she knew she wouldn't sleep more than perhaps an hour, maybe two, she figured she could use whatever she could get.
Her head turning back, a bit of her hair spilling across her pale cheek as her eyes fluttered closed softly brushing her tongue across her lips. Idly, her mind would wander, thoughts of things she needed to do, things she needed to straighten out, dancing through her head. She wasn't sure what to make of it all....
Fresh Blood
Posts: 580
Post by Legion on Jun 10, 2012 19:58:34 GMT -6
When she told him that she didn't need any blood he frowned. She mush just be getting sick then. Which seemed odd, right? Wasn't she fine when she found him earlier? Didn't that not make any sense? Well, Patrick couldn't figure it out, he was no doctor, also he had had quite a bit to drink, and though he was feeling the effects beginning to wane, he wasn't thinking too good yet. That being the case he didn't really think to much of it when she put her hand over her stomach. If she had an upset stomach that would seem valid. So he really had no clue as to what it might actually be, or rather what it really was.
Patrick would nod when she said that she just wanted to go to sleep. Sound medicine any time really. Rest was always in order, though Patrick knew that sleep wouldn't come easy for her, nor would it be too long lasting. That was just the way of it. But whatever she could manage would be for the best, to get over whatever it was that had seemed to get into her system.
When she asked him to lay with her, Patrick would nod slightly, scooting in next to her. His arm wrapping over her as he nuzzled his way against her, feeling her warmth against his body. As he lay there for a brief moment, Patrick couldn't help but think that he could get use to this. Not that this was the first time that this had happened but it seemed different this time. More of a first then the other times. Maybe it was just foolishness but he couldn't help but think that way. He gave a soft smile at that thought before whispering quietly, "Sleep well Kazumi and feel better love."
Then he would nuzzle into her once more before falling still and silent. Smile on his face. Hell, even though she was under the weather Patrick couldn't help but feel almost completely comfortable. Maybe it was the booze but he felt like he could actually sleep tonight without passing out.
'Home,' he mouthed silently...
Post by Kazumi O'Connor on Jun 10, 2012 20:22:00 GMT -6
She smiled when she felt his arm curl around her, feeling that all too familiar sensation of him nuzzling into her and getting comfortable. She sighed, content and happy with how this night had turned out despite everything. Her eyes closed, it actually didn't take her long to fall asleep, perhaps more tired than she had originally thought. Within a few minutes she was sound asleep, her breathing slow but steady, little body relaxed and gently curled up next to him.
Though it was only an hour before the nightmares began, her mind racing back to another time, another place. Only this time, there was something different in the way that Earth looked at her, something strange as he came toward her. Outwardly she whimpered as the dream became more defined...
The door opened, the light coming on and quickly she tried to find solace in one of the corners of the room. But there was no hiding from the light, and as she began to tremble, the large figure appeared in the open doorway, those eyes looking at her from behind the mask.
But then, as always, he would reach up, removing the mask to expose that face that haunted her dreams, that haunted her every waking hour. She began to cry, shaking her head as he grinned at her, coming into the room and closing the door behind him. He would then do as he always did, hanging his mask on the hook that hung by the door and then coming toward her. The heavy sound of his footsteps echoing off the walls as he grinned and looked over her small, trembling form.
She tried to move away but his hand shot out faster than she could dodge, clasping about her throat and hoisting her up into the air, pinning her against the wall. She couldn't breath...her small hands clawing at the one about her throat, knowing that he would touch her, knowing what he wanted....
But this time, instead of his hand shoving its way between her legs, instead of his eyes locked on her own....he was looking lower, his hand slowly traveling down her body, along her chest, then to her stomach where it would linger...fingers softly caressing the spot as he grinned almost wickedly....Then, and only then would his eyes look up to meet her own, a look she did not recognize within them....Leaning in, she could feel his breath upon her neck as he drew in her scent and then brushed his lips against her ear.
"The child is mine..."
A dark, twisted laugh echoing from him as he laid his hand flat against her stomach and pressed her harder into the wall.....
She screamed....not uncommon for her nightmares, only this time that scream was much more terrified, much more fearful....Instantly she shot up in bed, panting to try and gain her breath as her hands moved to her neck, swallowing past that feeling of having the air cut off and the grip choking the life out of her....A thin layer of sweat covered her brow, causing her hair to stick to her face.
Then, as the dream replayed through her mind, she gasped and her hands shot from her neck down to her stomach....the sensation of her heart racing within her chest and warm tears rolling down her cheeks which was only made worse now as she sobbed softly and would struggle to remind herself of where she was....to remind herself that she was not there....not in that place, not in his arms.....